Temperature Scanner

  • Automate Temperature Scanner

    Wallmount Temperature Scanner is an ideal solution to ensure CDC Compliance

  • We Automate the Temperature Screening Process

  • Automate Your Back to Work Health Screening

Temperature Scanner & Digital Covid 19


Automate the screening process

The MyLobby Free Standing Temperature Scanner allows you to:

  • Mass Detection
  • Capture Responses to Questionnaires
  • Ensure Compliance
  • Print Compliance Badge
COVID-19 Screening App
MyLobby Non-contact Temperature Screening will capture the temperature and screening questionnaire responses to ensure each visitor and staff member is compliant.
MyLobby Non-contact Temperature Screening will capture the temperature and screening questionnaire responses to ensure each visitor and staff member is compliant.

Paper and Pen Questionnaires are Time-consuming

Your visitors and staff can respond to COVID-19 questionnaires from their own mobile device or directly on the temperature scanner. Questions can be easily customized within seconds