Is Your Office Confusing or Conflicted? Here’s How to Reap the Benefits of a Room Scheduling Software for an effective Hybrid Office workplace. This blog is about how to make the best of your hybrid office while adhering to new compliance regulations and social Distancing guidelines.
MyLobby Room Scheduling Software is a web-based room scheduling software that makes it easy to book the office and track your flexibility easily. Often, companies forget about team members who are not present and only focus on those at the office. This software is explicitly designed for team members to ensure their needs are being met and they do not get overlooked. With this software, the manager has access to everyone’s schedule and can easily book ahead if a team member is not available when needed.

Over the pandemic, many employees have been displaced, and the critical goal for a room scheduling software is to make it as fictionist as possible. Employees don’t have to install an app. Rather, they can bookmark the URL link, and the icon appears like an app. As soon as they click on the MyLobby booking app, they can either; book a hot desk, schedule a private room or book a meeting room.
How does the Room Scheduling Software work?
Once you open the application, there are three simple buttons to choose from booking a hot desk, private office, or meeting room. You can set up the event much like setting up any other event on your mobile phone. It even allows you to set reminders to invite colleagues to a meeting room and also includes a virtual link for those opting to participate in the meeting virtually.
Once you arrive at the office hot desk or meeting room, you confirm that you are checked in by scanning the QR code on the desk or in the room. If you don’t check-in, the meeting room or office will go back into inventory, showing it’s available.
What if our office is subjected to reduced capacity restrictions?
The MyLobby room scheduling software has a parameter setting to accommodate any restriction capacity. For instance, if your county imposes a 50% capacity restriction, the administrator of the Myobby solution can change the settings under capacity restrictions and enter the percentage restriction. This setting will automatically reduce the capacity by whatever percentage was and put it into the settings. So if a user sees a meeting room that typically accommodates 12 people, it will now only accommodate six people.

How is the Room Scheduling Software ideal for a hybrid workplace?
When booking your meeting room, our app has a Field to insert your meeting link for individuals attending virtually. You can insert either your zoom or Microsoft Teams Link. The invitation to your colleagues will allow them to select physical or virtual. On the menu bar, you can click on My Meetings, and it will list all the details about your meeting, who is attending, and whether or not they’re going to be virtual or physical. Furthermore, it will have the intelligence to determine if the meeting room is at capacity and will only allow additional colleagues to join virtually.
Does the Room Scheduling Software list the meeting rooms' details and floor layout?
Yes, initially, the app started with just a list view, much as you would see on a hotel booking website. It displayed a picture of the room and the meeting room characteristics, such as; room capacity, audio-video specifications, location details, and network connectivity specifications.

Can specific offices or meeting rooms be reserved for only executives?
Yes, we can assign different access levels to other organizations’ groups. Each individual within the organization gets associated with its group level. For instance, we can assign executives to group A, managers to group B, and the remaining members to Group C. The ability to add additional groups is currently in development.
Can I quickly Cancel Meetings on the room Scheduling Software?
Yes, it’s relatively easy to cancel your meeting. All you need to do is click on the “My Meetings” button on the navigation bar to cancel your event. Once completed, it will then send an email to all of your colleagues you’ve invited.

How will I know which meeting rooms, offices, and hot desks are available?
Once you put in the date and the criteria, MyLobby room scheduling software will display only the available rooms on the list view, and on the floor plan, you will see a red dot on the meeting room, office space, or hot desk. The green dots will show all of the rooms that are still available.
Can rooms be booked right on the spot with the room scheduling software?
Individuals can easily Book either a hot desk, private office, or meeting room by scanning the QR code from their mobile phone. The link will direct them to an area on the application where they can book the room directly if it’s available.
Now, if you’re still sitting on the fence and trying to determine if MyLobby room scheduling software try it out for free, by clicking here, you can sign up for a free trial. Also, MyLobby live customer support agents can help you get the system set up in just a few minutes.