How hot is too hot?
When states can’t agree on exactly what constitutes a fever, that affects employee temperature screening. The real question is, how much risk is your business willing to take? From old-fashioned thermometer scanners to MyLobby‘s Touchless Temperature Kiosk, we delve into the details of COVID-19 screening, and what it means for your business.
Do You Know What You’re Temperature Screening For?
The Washington Post pointed out that American states don’t even agree on how hot a fever is. How do business owners hope to achieve helpful temperature screening when there are simply too many opinions out there?
MyMedia‘s recommendation is this: when in doubt, cast a wider net. When it comes to employee temperature scanning, aim lower— for feverish (i.e. 98.4 Fahrenheit). The same Washington Post article argues that temperature screening for feverish “will snag many people who have nothing more than a common cold.” Is that a fair price to pay for an extra layer of security? MyMedia says “better safe than sorry.”
PRO TIP: Ride your bike to work? Schedule 5-10 extra minutes to cool down before your temperature screening!
Old-school Thermometer Scanners vs. MyLobby’s Touchless Temperature Kiosk
We understand your concerns pertaining to temperature screening. You don’t want to put a receptionist or security guard at risk, nor do you want to spend all that money getting people through the door. But what if there were a solution that cuts down on risk and expenses?
The Touchless Temperature Kiosk: a touch-free, temperature scanning tool that minimizes COVID-related risks while making business easier on several other levels.
Imagine your business has a smart smoke detector. A smoke detector that can tell you exactly where the fire is, what the fire looks like, and what its phone number is. OK, so we’re not talking about a smoke detector anymore, we’re talking about the Touchless Temperature Kiosk. It catches all of these hot COVID-19 “fires” that attempt to spread to your workplace.
Worried about human errors? The Kiosk doesn’t forget numbers, names, or even faces. Worried about cost? The Kiosk is cheaper than paying employees to use handheld thermometer scanners. Worried about employee safety? The Kiosk was designed specifically to keep COVID-19 out of your workplace and away from your workers.
No solution is perfect when it comes to the invasive coronavirus, but the customizability of MyLobby‘s features is the game-changer here. Assisting your Temperature Kiosk is the QR code questionnaire. It scans to an employee’s phone (touch-free) and collects their answers to customizable COVID-19 screening questions. With accurate temperature screening and a filled-out questionnaire, every employee can feel safer when they walk into work.
Now vs. Later: As states continue to alter their COVID-19 mandates, feel at ease knowing you can change the Temperature Kiosk’s threshold anytime with the press of a button.
Be as strict or relaxed as your company and state dictate with the tools you need from MyLobby.
More Than a Hot Topic
MyMedia takes COVID-19 seriously, and so should your business. When the perceived downside of temperature screening is catching more “false positives”, consider that the upside is potentially saving lives.
Want to learn more about the Touchless Temperature Kiosk? Click here.
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